5 Stars, buy it
This series totally rocks. The writing is fantastic, they have LGBT characters, the characters are awesome,funny and believable besides being utterly silly. This series kicks butt. Just as good as volume 1.
Issue 5- Rosie goes off to investigate what is going on at the boys camp and leaves Jen in charge who is not pleased. Much to the girls horror, they are being forced to make friendship bracelets. And there are real instructions on how to make them. Molly goes to the outhouse and trouble ensues much to Jen’s horror. In issue two, it starts and you think the girls are in trouble already but it turns out they are just playing tag. Diane is sort of introduced and she appears to be the sister of Jo. Most of the issue is playing capture the flag but there are references to other issues and it ends with Jen wanting in on what is going on. In issue 3, the girls (including Jen) sneak into Rosie’s cabin for the crystal thing. Of course Rosie still can’t get Jen’s name right. We learn a lot about Diane. Turns out Diane isn’t Jo’s sister. AAARG. Major Spoiler: At the end of the issue, Jo is turned to stone. In issue four Diane plays tricks on the girls who are frustrated that Jo is stone.Mal gives Molly a kiss. Jo is released from stone. Ripley later saves the day. At the end of the issues, there is a cover gallery again. There is also a preview of Giant days which I haven’t read but it looks interesting.
“Whoo hoo! We get to go to the Raccoon rodeo today!”
“ Yippe-Ki-Yay Mother Necessity!”
“I would never disgrace the uniform with mutinous shenanigans”
Characters for my reference
April- Short red head girl
Jen- dark skinned camp counsilor
Jo- tall kid
Mal: Dark haired girl with half shaved head
Molly: Blond haired girl
Ripley: Short brunet with headband around her head and blue streak in hair
Rosie- head of camp. Constantly calls Jen Jane. Very cool.
Diane- girl from another cabin at the camp, black hair Apparently the sister of Jo.
Bubbles- Molly’s raccoon hat who happens to be a live raccoon
Still not terribly thrilling but I'm sticking to my guns about finishing a book that isn't a comic book.
5 Stars, buy it
I’m rereading my comic series to catch back up. As I remember the art takes a little getting used to. In issue one we are introduced to the main characters in the camp. They snuck out of camp and got into a fight with foxes who apparently don’t like kittens. I’ve missed this comic. I forgot how fun it is. In issue two, the girls go canoeing with Jen and there is all sorts of comedy including a river monster. Two girls are very into each other and i know eventually they are in a relationship. Yeay for LGBT characters. Anyway the girls get separated from Jen and end up in the bottom of a cave. Issue 3 starts with the girls in the cave still. They come across talking statues who challenge someone to arm wrestling and April volunteers. More adventure happens and that is the end of that. Don’t want to spoil all of it for you. The Holy kitten which was in issues one and two is also pretty funny. In issue 4, Jen gets talked into taking the girls on a hike. The girls run into a monster, run away and they all end up in poison ivy when a bunch of boy campers come help them. More adventures happen (again, don’t want to ruin everything). The writing is still awesome and the story is still really funny. And that is the end of Volume 1. Why it’s only 4 issues I’m not sure, maybe issue 1 was a double issue. There is a cover gallery at the end which is nice, i like the covers. There is also a sketch book at the end of the cover gallery which is less interesting.
“What the junk?!”
“It looks like it’s scrunchie time!”
Characters for my reference
April- Short red head girl
Jen- dark skinned camp counsilor
Jo- tall kid
Mal: Dark haired girl with half shaved head
Molly: Blond haired girl
Ripley: Short brunet with headband around her head and blue streak in hair
Rosie- head of camp. Constantly calls Jen Jane. Very cool.
4 Stars, Buy it.
This issue begins with a story being told by the strange women from the previous issue. This issue in particular is a Mature rating as it sometimes deals with woman having been created to please men. It made me somewhat uneasy. And at the end, after the temple blows up, the other mysterious woman makes an appearance. Overall, I’m missing the other characters still. This arc isn’t as good as the previous one but it isn’t terrible.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Lord Tallon- Bald Eagle
Affa- Giraffe
5 Stars, buy it
This time the story cover as I’ve come to call these random book cover inserts that they put into the comic contains some dialogue. I don’t always read these pages but I usually skim to see if it’s anything important and it seemed relevant this time. The goats and Dusty and the Champion are all in the middle of fighting when this issue begins. A goat ends up joining Dusty and the champion in the search for answers on what is going on. They find some more mysterious woman beings. Ok so maybe this does deserve the Mature rating afterall. Anyway the issue ends a bit abrubtly with the mysterious women asking to die. Very strange, but good issue. I think I have one more issue and I’ll be caught up with this series.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Lord Tallon- Bald Eagle
Affa- Giraffe
5 Stars, Buy it
Things are looking a little more interesting in this issue while Dusty and the Champion continue their journey together. There are mutated animals. One thing I find interesting about this comic is that it’s rated M for Mature. There are some scenes with minor cussing but really it’s not worthy of Mature rating for me. I think it’s definitely teenagers should be reading not young kids. Unless you are a prude and can’t handle a litlte bit of nature nudity. Anyway, Dusty heals a goat who was out to get them. Dusty is getting better at magic. This issue was much better than the last two which I guess had to happen for story wise. Yeay for issues getting better. Back up to 5 stars. But I am missing some of the drama of the other characters.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Lord Tallon- Bald Eagle
Affa- Giraffe
4 Stars
Buy it
The sheep have found and rescued The Chamption and Dusty. They are in need of a Wizard. Dusty continues to learn his father isn’t quite the person he thought he was. And they leave the town. This arc of the story isn’t doing much for me. It’s really a bit boring right now. I’m left wondering what is going on with all of the other characters. Oh well, I suppose it will pick back up again. Still a great series, but I definitely had to lower the star rating because this arc isn’t as good as the initial.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Lord Tallon- Bald Eagle
Affa- Giraffe
So far, nothing terribly exciting, rather formulaic actually. But I'm determined to finish a book since the last two I gave up on for various reasons.
4.5 Stars
Buy it
This starts out weird with the Champion sneaking off away from Dusty to find a strange woman who gives him odd clothing and food. After that weird beginning it gets better. They come across some goats who think they are wizards and they get into a fight. After which they run into some sheep and there the issue ends. I found this issue to be a bit on the boring side because the beginning was so weird and then there was just fighting. Nothing with the other characters in this issue. But that being said, it’s still a wonderful comic.The only way this series would get better is if they had talking Meerkats. LOL.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Lord Tallon- Bald Eagle
Affa- Giraffe
5 Stars, Buy it
This time, reading the “cover page” that is usually a page or two in gave a little summary. It was a little useful. In this issue we are introduced to Lord Tallon, who is a bald eagle. Lord Tallon seems to be taking control of the crazy situation. Also, it turns out Dusty hasn’t died, he just went into the water to go after the champion. We learn about Hatsas which is magic that infuses everything and it is this magic that the people are losing. Those are the major highlights of this issue. I love that the comic continues to be consistent art wise and story wise. I love everything about this comic and wish more people read it so I could discuss with them.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Lord Tallon- Bald Eagle
Affa- Giraffe
I was liking this at first but now that I know the next in the series is not that good I don't have much desire to finish this. It maybe time to start something else
5 Stars, buy it.
I've read up to issue 6 previously but need a refresher before going back to where I left off. I still love the story and characters (except for the bad guys of course) and I still love the art. I remember this from when I initially read the first 6 issues that I don’t like the long paragraphs that they stick on with the book covers. I’m not really sure what the book covers are supposed to be, maybe magical texts of theirs? The Autumnlands is highly original and should be read by anyone who likes comics. In anycase, for anyone who loves animals, in particular talking animals, I highly recommend this series.
My general Notes: The first issue you meet Dusty, Gharta and Sandhorst. Gharta tries a spell which is forbidden and she destroys the city but produces a champion. In issue two, the survivors are attacked by a bison herd. At that moment he champion is freed and to everyone's horror he's not an animal.in issue 3 we meet Goodfoot and Affa. Goodfoot shows her true colors and so does councilor Sandhorst. Issue four- Dusty, who is also the narrator goes out scouting with the champion while Goodfoot and Councilor Sandorst are up to no good. In Issue 5 Dusty and some others go on a secret mission for the Champion. Anxiety skyrockets for me when Councillor Sandhorsts arrests Gharta and Affa. Affa and Gartha seem to have a relationship of some sort going on. The plots continue to thicken. In Issue 6: The parley happens and Gharta is finally freed. However we loose someone and I won’t spoil it for you. The asshole Councillor Sandhorst comes out looking the hero.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Affa- Giraffe
iIm impressed with the narrators voice so far. I don't know if I'll be able to do this with books I've never read but this narrator is pretty awesome.
I'm going to try out Audible since i don't have a lot of time to read. I now commute by car rather than Metro so I thought some days maybe I'd have someone read books to me while I drive. We will see how this works out. I'm trying with a book I know I love just to see how it works. My trial book is The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan and I've wanted to reread this for while. Hope this is awesome!