4 Stars, Buy it.
This issue begins with a story being told by the strange women from the previous issue. This issue in particular is a Mature rating as it sometimes deals with woman having been created to please men. It made me somewhat uneasy. And at the end, after the temple blows up, the other mysterious woman makes an appearance. Overall, I’m missing the other characters still. This arc isn’t as good as the previous one but it isn’t terrible.
List of characters for my reference.
Bhord- Pug dog who is grey
Councillor Sandorst- is the owl
Dunstan/Dusty- White dog/terrier
Gharta- is the warthog
Goodfoot- fox/coyote
Gutruk- walrus I think
Leahroyd- the champion (and only human)
Lord Tallon- Bald Eagle
Affa- Giraffe