Merry Meerkat Marginalia

Book Reviews.

158 Following

8 Ways to View Your Dashbord

Reblogged from BookLikes:

Dashboard is a place where many book-likes things happen. You see updates from blogs you follow, bookshelf news, reviews, quotes, pictures. Now you can switch between 8 views of your Dash and decide which activities see first.


Your Dashbord has just received several views which present different activities of your Followings. You can switch between them and keep up to date with reviews and bookshelf updates or quickly find inspirational quotes and pics.


We’ve divided Dashboard into eight sections:

- Reviews - all texts marked as a review;

- Text - all published texts;

- Photo - published Photo Posts;

- Quote - published Quote Posts;

- URL - published URL Posts;

- Video - published Video Posts;

- Activity - bookshelf updates and other activity.


Once you select a given view, your Dash will present content from selected section. You can also choose All to see updates from all sections gathered in one place. 



Tag search box works in every view so it will be easy to find e.g.: a given title in a Reviews Dash view. 




To make your Reading Challenge visible on your other webpages go to Goodies/Widgets page, get the code and add it to your webpage's HTML. 



To make Reading Challenge visible on your BookLikes webpage ( go to Goodies/Widgets page, get the code and add it in  Widget Area spot in Customization Tab.


You can place more than one widget code in Widget Area, just paste the codes one under each other. 


Future hint: We do plan some updates for the challenge, e.g. a spot presenting books in a given challenge.


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