Pictures: 4 Stars
Facts: 4 Stars
Today’s animal, Warm and fuzzy, Look and Learn review, is of Racoons!! Plenty more coming. Raccoons remind me of my dad (who passed away 5 years ago). He used to feed them outside of the house. Not sure why, I guess he just thought they were cute. I think they are adorable, even if a bit of a nuisance. Anyway, The opening photo of two racoons is too cute for words, even if its a little pixelated.
Interesting facts:
There are seven species of racoons.
Raccoons have a large array of vocalizations.
Racoons dens are often hollows in trees, rock crevices, burros of other animals
Raccoons live around five years in the wild (20 years as captives/pets)
Raccoons are distantly related to bears. Who knew???!!
Raccoons are very sociable