Merry Meerkat Marginalia

Book Reviews.

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Fables Volume 17: Inherit the Wind

Fables, Vol. 17: Inherit the Wind - Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Joao Ruas, Steve Leialoha, Andrew Pepoy, P. Craig Russell, Adam Hughes

Star Rating Art:   5 Stars

Star Rating Story: 3.5 to 4 Stars


Self Purchase for Kindle.


First Impression:  Art seems different, but I’m liking it. Also Rose Red with Wings = Awesomeness.


Plot/Storyline:  The first few chapters or issues were really good. They are about Snow and Bigby’s children being tested to see who will replace the North Wind. But by the time I got to the bizarre Christmas issues I was like WTF??


Art/Colors: Totally loving the art. Beautiful. I love how the art is very consistant.


Spoilers: One of my favorite characters is supposedly killed (Bufkin) but it’s sort of left on a cliffhanger and I have no idea if it will be resolved this volume or not.

Quotes: “Every gourd for himself!”-Pumpkinhead