Merry Meerkat Marginalia

Book Reviews.

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Lumberjanes #18

Lumberjanes #18 - Shannon Watters

4.5 Stars, buy it


And I’ve made it to the last issue I’ve read in the series! Yeay! Everything will be new to me from here on out. I’m still not a fan of this new artist, I don’t like how the girls all have pig noses now. Seriously? Anyway, the writing is just as awesome so I think I’m going to increase this issue’s rating to 4.5. I had to lower it a little because I don’t like the new artist (Please tell me it’s temporary?)


Description from Amazon: When April meets two mermaids who used to be friends but are now stuck in a crazy rivalry, she decides to put her friendship repairing skills to the test!

Characters for my reference


April- Short red head girl

Jen- dark skinned camp counselor

Jo- tall kid

Mal: Dark haired girl with half shaved head

Molly: Blond haired girl

Ripley: Short brunet with headband around her head and blue streak in hair

Rosie- head of camp. Constantly calls Jen Jane. Very cool.

Diane- girl from another cabin at the camp, black hair Apparently the sister of Jo.

Bubbles- Molly’s raccoon hat who happens to be a live raccoon

Barney- Boy from boys camp that they run into a lot