Merry Meerkat Marginalia

Book Reviews.

158 Following

Lookouts No. 2

Lookouts No. 2 - Ben McCool, Robb Mommaerts


Overall: 3.5 Stars, borrow


Star Rating Art: 4 Stars

Star Rating Story: 3 Stars


Self Purchase, comixology.


First Impression: Art is as lovely as the first one.


I really like how the art fills all of the panels. For some reason, I really like that. I have to keep reminding myself sometimes that some of these comics are meant for younger readers. Like this one. But despite knowing that, I still find the plot to only be average and not very exciting or interesting and also not very original. On the other hand, I really like the artwork. It’s a fun read, but really meant for kids, not super exciting or intreaging for adults.


Plot/Storyline: The kids are trying to get past a troll on a bridge and have to solve a riddle. But it turns out to be a training exercise. Dore is told he has to study to learn how to solve riddles but he refuses to do so and goes off to fight a creature by himself and it ends there.